Secrets of Article Marketing
With all of the benefits involved with article marketing it might seem surprising to learn that some marketers out there do not like using it as part of their advertising efforts. When researching this I came across some interesting reasons.
First reason. They don't believe in it. I list this first to address the issue of marketer who simply did like to do it or didn't get the results they thought they should have.
One of the most important aspects of this type of advertising effort is to realize that it takes quality articles to attract attention. Often times, articles that read like sales copy is simply ignored by the reader, if they are published in article directories at all.
In other cases, the article may have been poorly written or made no sense to the reader. Or the information was simply not in demand. One of the best possible solutions is to hire a ghost writer to write the articles. This can be an extremely cost effective way to get quality material on almost any subject.
The Second Reason. They don't like to write. A lot of people suffer from this condition. Would you believe that some of the most prolific and successful writers today have this problem? They might even state this openly.
There are numerous ways to write articles without it becoming a chore. You can brainstorm ideas on paper and pick the best ideas. In some cases, this can led to not only one or two articles but a whole lot of them.
One thing I would not recommend doing is copying someone else's work and calling it your own. Doing that will get your site penalized in the search engines which can be costly. Remember that content is king and original content rules.
As mentioned above, you can hire a ghost writer to work for you, or nowadays, you purchase software that can help you generate articles in a short amount of time. It may require some time to learn how to use the software, but it can make the job so much easier.
The third reason is related to speed. For some odd reason, people tend to expect overnight results. Unlike other types of advertising efforts, like e-mail promotions, article marketing takes time to produce measurable results. The more articles written, the better the possible exposure.
One other point to mention is that, unlike e-mail marketing, there are no risks involved writing good quality articles. The upside here is that they can build your reputation. That also plays a key role in article marketing.
It is the viral effect that makes this type of promotions so effective, but it takes time. This viral effect can also help with search engine rankings depending on how keyword rich the articles are as articles tend to show up on search results more than the webpage they are linked to.
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